Dear Students:
Consider joining the Battle of the Books! You’ll get to choose from a list of 20 great books and discuss the books during your grade level WIN time with friends and library staff weekly. Later, there will be an online quiz to determine the 5 students who will take part in the final online state competition sponsored by WEMTA (Wisconsin Educational Media and Technology Association) during a week in February. All Battle students will attend a final wrap up celebration with pizza, snacks and awards during their Lunch/WIN times. We are proud to have had past GMS Battle of the Books teams place in the top 10 in the state!
The statewide Battle program is designed to promote a love of reading among students. It encourages students to read a variety of books and remember information about the plots, characters, and settings of the books. It is a fun, academic-based competition that has been very successful in school districts throughout the state in encouraging students to read.
In addition to the Battle, we also offer the students the chance to select a book by grade level and work together to produce a book trailer which may also be entered into a separate competition. In the past we have had some of our entries win awards and prizes and have their trailer shown on a movie screen during a Youth film festival!
We meet weekly on a selected day during student WIN times. (October - February) in the GMS Library/Media Center.
GMS Library Staff